Parenting12 Most Awkward Pregnancy PhotosLet's face it: All pregnancy portraits are awkward. Your belly is huge, and there's no getting around it. In fact, that's part of the fun! But there's awkward, and then there's dear God was that YOUR idea?!? awkward. Some pregnancy portraits are, let's say, so creative we have to LOL. Here's a few favorites we've seen lately. It goes without saying that all of these women are beautiful mamas. But the portrait concepts? Hilarious.1/12pixydust8650/FlickrFloatation DeviceI'm feeling so buoyant now!2/12DigitumDei/FlickrMother EarthShe's got the whooooole world, on her belly ...3/12##EriKa**/FlickrIt's a GirlThere's just something so sweetly corny about the Pregnant-Holding-A-Flower-Because portrait motif.4/12Pixel Addict/FlickrRain BootsJust in case her water breaks.5/12tofslie/FlickrLost in the GrassWait, how did I get here? This is definitely not the layette department.6/12gideon_wright/FlickrThe FaceOkay, that's not normal. Has your OBGYN seen this?7/12SharonaGott/FlickrDisappearing HeadNo face, please. I like the headless look.8/12SharonaGott/FlickrTMI PDAMaybe we won't send this one to the in-laws.9/12biccio/FlickrIt's All About the BellyThe only part of your body anyone is interested in anymore.10/12Daquella manera/FlickrMama's Point of ViewZoiks!11/12The 5th Ape/FlickrAll Hands on DeckDoes anyone ELSE want to touch this woman's belly? Anyone? ANYONE???12/12tourist_on_earth/FlickrExit ArtistThanks Dad, you're a real help. Can you tell us how baby got in there in the first place?fSHAREslideshowThis is motherhood #nofilterAboutTermsContactPrivacyPRIVACY SETTINGSSUBMIT A STORY© 2024 WILD SKY MEDIA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | FAMILY & PARENTINGCAFEMOM — MAMÁSLATINAS — LITTLETHINGS — MOM.COMThis site is owned and operated by Bright Mountain Media, Inc., a publicly owned company trading with the symbol: BMTM.