
Baby Showers: After the Baby Is Born?

CafeMom Team

"Sip and See" baby showers are becoming more popular among new moms. It's when you have a shower after the baby arrives — that way friends and family can see the new baby while they sip on beverages and nibble on light fare.

We talked to a new mom from our former CafeMom message board community, who went by the nickname Hem0036 about her "Sip and See" when her son was 5 months old. Hem0036 had her Sip and See on March 1 — three days before her son was 5 months old. She kept it small, inviting mostly close friends and family. Hem0036 said that it was basically the same as a traditional baby shower, except her baby was already here, so instead of playing games, he was there and everyone got to greet him and welcome him to the world in person. Here's what she had to say about the experience:

CM: Why are you glad you had a Sip and See versus a more traditional shower before the baby is born?

For us, it was more a matter of convenience. My mom was out of town until late in my pregnancy, and my best friend just couldn't get things together; my mom was going to throw my shower, but time just kind of ran out. 

It was nice because I wasn't super pregnant and didn't have to worry about getting my embarrassing back pains in front of everyone. I didn't have to worry if people would think I was a pig for how much I ate because they just attributed it to needing extra food for breastfeeding. Also, I didn't have to deal with any of the rude comments people sometimes make without thinking, such as, "You look like you are about to pop," or having 20 people ask me my due date, etc. I was able to have fun, be comfortable, and show off my baby.

Were you ever worried about whether or not it was too late to have a shower after your son was born?

Well, my mom still wanted to throw it, and she didn't seem to think it was too late. Plus, her friend had just thrown one for her daughter and new grandchild who was about the same age as my son, Brandon, when she threw it. Every child should be celebrated. It is a new and precious life.

Many times, especially for first time parents, I think that things are probably so crazy in preparing for the baby — whether it be getting a new house, dealing with a complicated pregnancy, moving, or just going through pregnancy in general, that they just feel that they don't have the time or energy to have a baby shower before the baby gets there. But that doesn't mean they don't want to share their joy or celebrate the baby; and I dont think they should have to add any more stress by celebrating before when they can do it just as easily after. So go for it! Have a Sip and See, show off your bundle of joy.

What did you 'sip' at your 'Sip and See'?

We did punch, although a lot of times people do tea. My mom made it, and it was some canned juice, a frozen ring of pineapple, and some ginger ale. It was delicious. We also had some turkey salad sandwiches and Jordan almonds — just little finger foods, same as you would have at a baby shower.

Were your invites worded any different than what you would do for a traditional baby shower?

My mom took care of the invites, but she did show them to me. I think they were actually baby shower invites. It's pretty much the same thing, except instead of the baby being in your belly, he/she is out and showing of his/her skills as a growing infant. My baby was already able to get up on all fours although he couldn't crawl quite yet (he started about three days later), and Brandon loved visiting with everyone. He is a very social baby. 

Were there presents?

There were presents, just not off a registry. I had a registry before the baby was born, as we had planned on doing a baby shower. But we never did get around to having one, and by the time we had the Sip and See, I had pretty much everything I needed off my registry. So, while it might have still been up, that information was not given out. Instead, people picked their own gifts — whatever they thought they would like to see him use/wear.

I liked it that way because we had everything we really needed, and it gave my friends the chance to do something for him that they thought was special. I got some lullaby CDs, books, clothes, feeding essentials, diapers, and a rain forest soother. And we have used just about everything!

Any advice or fun ideas for other moms who want to have their own Sip and See?

Cake, have a cake! That was the one thing I was looking forward to my whole pregnancy: the baby shower cake (I know, sad huh?). And, I still haven't lost the craving for it as I didn't have one at my Sip and See. No, but in all seriousness, I didn't have a huge turnout for my Sip and See, but I would say play some games, pass around the baby (granted that no one is sick), open presents, get some advice on things you are having trouble with, eat, and just enjoy the time visiting with your friends (because if you are like me, that might be the only time you get to see them for the next few months).

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