
Bold Mom Hits Lazy Family With Laundry ‘Punishment’ & Love It or Hate It, It’s Genius

Genny Glassman

Who hasn’t dreamed of the perfect laundry room with tons of space to wash and fold to your heart’s desire? Well, not everyone. Some of us wish we never had to do laundry again, especially those parents who get no help from the family in this department. If the entire family's dirty piles get left for you and only you, check out TikTok user Amanda W. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s house.

Because she is the only one who does laundry, she's also the only one who has her own closet in her house. That's right: The laundry room doubles as a closet for her husband and three kids. People online can’t decide if this housework hack is genius or next-level petty.

To be fair to Amanda W., she has to climb two flights of stairs every time she needs to do laundry — and with dirty clothes x5 people, that grows old fast.

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The mom of three typically dedicates her TikTok account to home decor and renovations, but on October 26 she shared a video that really caught the internet’s attention.

“Welcome to my laundry room that is in my basement,” the mom can be heard to say, as she pans her camera across one of the most aesthetically pleasing laundry rooms we’ve ever seen.

“I’m about to let you into my laundry room secret,” she continued.

Adjacent from her perfectly labeled washer and dryer, stand racks of her family members' clothes.

“You see those clothes right there? Those are all my children's,” she explained.

“And you see that side? Well, that’s my husband's,” she added.

There is a method to this mom's madness.

As is often the case, it’s up to this mom to take care of the housework.

“See, I’m the only one who does laundry in this house, so I’m the only one that gets a closet,” she explained. “I brought all of their clothes down here to the laundry room so it saves me a ton of time to take them out of the dryer and hang them up in their spots. No more baskets up two flights of stairs.”

Fair is fair, after all.

“Hey, if they want a closet, they’ve got to start doing laundry,” she added. “That’s how it works.”

To say that people on TikTok went nuts over Amanda’s hack is an understatement.

More than nine million people have watched the mom’s video. And it’s been liked more than 1.8 million times. Could it be the perfectly executed farmhouse aesthetic of her laundry room that’s won people over? Or is it the fact that this bold mom decided to lay down the rules since she is getting no help in this housework department? Well — sort of both.

“It’s the aesthetically pleasing pettiness for me,” one commenter joked.

“Is this passive aggressive or evil genius?” wondered someone else. “Either way, I’m in.”

“Work smarter not harder,” added a third person, before adding a clapping emoji. “LOVE IT.”

There were a few people in the comments who were not feeling the laundry room’s vibes.

“Why are you the only one who does laundry?” one commenter asked. “My kiddos were helping me w/laundry since they were three. Sorting & putting away, now washing too. Seven & 12 now.”

“Love the room, but I think it’s kinda rude and disrespectful that you don’t allow your husband, who I’m sure also pays bills, he can’t have a closet..” someone else pointed out.

“Everyone is saying this is so smart. I think it’s actually a little mean,” a third person commented.

If you’re really worried about Amanda’s husband and kids, she made a follow-up video, which explained that she was joking.

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After her TikTok video blew up, the mom grabbed the bucket of her kids' leftover Halloween candy and after doing a little stress eating, she had few words to say about her video’s comments.

“It’s a LOT,” she said.

“The truth is I have absolutely no idea how TikTok works, none at all. And had I known that that was going to go viral I would have maybe changed up what I was going to say,” she said in the follow-up video posted a week ago. “I had 12 followers! I thought only 12 of you were going to hear that!

“But I was flipping joking. I was joking, okay?” she continued. "I was under the impression that TikTok was the funny crew, the cool kids..."

Let's hope her family is laughing too, all the way down to the laundry room!

She wasn’t punishing her husband or kids for being lazy.

In fact, if anything, she was the lazy one.

“The only reason all of their clothes is down here is because I don’t want to go up two flights of steps with all the baskets,” she explained. “I am not making my children under the age of 7 do laundry, which some of you think they should be. And I don’t let my husband do it because he’s bad at it.”

So yes, she’ll own up to setting things up to make her own life a little easier. But who amongst us can honestly say we wouldn't go to great lengths to make doing laundry a little less of a pain?

“You can call me lazy — you have my permission to do that,” she said.

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