
My Wife Dumped 2 Toddlers on Me When I Had the Flu & Then Got Mad When I Decided To Leave

Colleen Dilthey Thomas

Nothing is worse than being sick when you're a parent, especially when your kids are still little and depend on you for everything. The situation compounds when your partner is also ill. Sometimes you have to play a game of "whoever is the least sick has to take care of the kids" while the other person recovers and gets strength back. But when the rested parent is on the mend, shouldn't the other parent have a chance to recoup too?

A husband and father, 36, and his family have been battling the flu for more than 10 days. His wife, 35, felt horrible, so he took care of their 3-year-old daughter. Now that she is feeling better, OP is feeling worse and wants her to get back to taking care of their daughter so he can rest. Instead of taking the reins, his wife invited another child over for a playdate and expected her husband to take care of them both. Fed up, he left her to deal with the kids and is now asking Reddit's AITA Forum if that was the wrong thing to do.

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.

The family has been sick for a long time.

OP and his wife have been sick for 10 days and are just starting to feel better. His wife had the worst of it, so he has had to be the point person for everything to do with their daughter.

"I've been tagged in to do all chores, childcare and cooking while she's tried to get as much rest as possible," he explained. "This has now trickled into a week I booked off work on holiday, which doesn't bother me in itself, because I'd rather make sure they were both ok. I am however, starting to feel really run down myself now. I'm tired, I've had limited opportunity to rest and catch up on sleep, and I'm sore."

His wife is starting to feel better.

OP had been up since 6:30 a.m. with their daughter when his wife appeared around 9:15 a.m., saying she was feeling better. He was thrilled and thought that she would be able to jump in and help so he could get some rest.

"She said that what she was ACTUALLY thinking, was inviting SILs youngest round for a playdate, to keep our daughter occupied. For reference, she is 3," he wrote. "This isn't an uncommon thing to happen — SIL often brings her kids to us (and for reasons I still don't understand, our daughter is never invited to spend an afternoon with them in their house). I said that I really wasn't feeling up to it today. My wife said that I wouldn't have to do anything to entertain them (to which I was skeptical about), so I agreed."

OP and his SIL aren't the best of friends.

OP explained that his wife panders to her SIL, and he disapproves. There have been big fights over his wife's relationship with her SIL and how she chooses her over OP and their daughter. It seems to him that this invitation for a playdate was another one of these occasions. True to form, once the child was dropped off, OP's wife wanted him to tend to the two toddlers.

"So about 15 minutes after she arrives, I'm asked to get them drinks and snacks, and then play games and occupy them. Now, I'm aware that I'd have needed to do this for my own daughter — but going from 1 to 2 toddlers is such a huge leap in terms of the demand on your time and energy," he shared. "Add this to the fact that I was feeling lousy, and it just wasn't a good mix. I'm off work this week, and on top of my illness, I didn't sign up for extra childcare duties."

OP decided enough was enough.

OP cared for the kids for about two hours before he'd had enough. He packed up his things and headed to his mother's house to get some rest. His wife was furious that he would leave her sick with two children. Now he's wondering if it was a jerk move or if he deserved some rest.

So, why did the wife invite another kid over if she didn't want to take care of her?

It seems pretty reasonable that if she offered to have the playdate that OP's wife would be the one in charge of the kids. Redditors immediately felt like that was the setup.

"I am going with NTA. There is no reason why your niece should be at your house while you are all recovering from the flu to begin with!" one person commented. "That was just so irresponsible of your wife. If she wants to have a toddler playdate while also getting over the flu, then that is on her."

Another person pointed out that it seemed like a scheme.

"Your SIL and wife disguised the situation as play date, when in reality she signed you up to babysit for her sister. Your wife knew that if she said... Hey my sister wants us to babysit for the would've stepped your foot down and declined to do so."

Would any parent in their right mind take a child to a sick person's house?

"Honestly no, NTA you told your wife you were not feeling well, and she expected you to not only care for your own child but her sister's as well while she continued to do nothing," someone commented. "I would suggest sitting her down and talking about establishing boundaries, no proper parent would let their toddler go to someone else's house while most of the house is sick."

Another person agreed, writing, "She made that bed, now she gets to lie in it...and I'm glad you've found a much quieter place for a lie in in the meantime. She never should have invited the kid into a house with sick people in the first place, especially knowing you weren't up to it. Hope you get some rest dad."

"Who brings their kid for a play date to a house FULL of sick people," someone bluntly asked.

Overall, Redditors agreed that OP is not the one in the wrong. Instead, it's his wife.

One Redditor offered some great advice about how OP should assert himself in the future.

"NTA. Text your wife, 'I gave you time to rest and heal, but you aren't giving me the time to do the same. I've also made it very clear to you that you often putting BLANK's needs ahead of my needs, and the needs of our daughter, and that needs to stop. What's more, you specifically told me if you had BLANK over today, I would not need to help and could relax, and yet caring for our daughter and BLANK is exactly what I spent the last two hours doing.'

"'It's a sad thing I have to leave my home to get sleep and rest while sick,'" the person continued. "'Stop texting and calling me and trying to guilt trip me. Take this time to reflect. Things need to change around our home. From this point forward, I will do nothing to help with BLANK until you start putting down reasonable boundaries. And I will not put myself last in our household."

TrendingNewsAITARedditFluSickParentChildSILparentingrelationshipsplaydatefamily drama
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